The Present You Wants the Future You to Succeed.

“When situation X arises, I will perform situation Y.” 

This snappy little formula comes from James Clear’s Atomic Habits, a 300-page study-laden tome about how to change your life through small, consistent changes that build over time. 

It’s like compound interest only instead of earning money on money, you’re building habits on habits. The short-term payoff seems nil, but the long-term payoff changes your life.

Clear says that while there are plenty of steps you can take to form new habits, one of the best (and easiest) ways is to commit to a new habit before you take the action.

Example: Want to quit caffeine? Don’t buy coffee at the store.

Example: Want to stop staring at your phone? Shut off notifications.

Example: Want to exercise in the morning? Set your sneakers out the night before.

You get the point. 

The you of the present removes roadblocks so the you of the future can skip that cup of coffee, leave that mobile phone in your pocket, and hit the treadmill at the gym.

We spent a lot of time talking about resolutions in October. 

“2025 is going to be here before we know it–what can we do to help people reach their goals?”

We decided to build a promotion around the idea that the present you wants the future you to succeed.

So we designed one you can buy today and use in 2025:

Buy a hotseat membership in December and pay only $50/month for January, February, and March.

But how do we get the message out?

We asked some of our members why they keep coming back to Groover Labs. Other than the product–an office, a hotseat, a studio–what was the tangible reward?

Seth keeps coming back because he’s more productive in a personalized workspace.

Mel keeps coming back because she focuses on her work rather than getting distracted by life’s demands.

Barry keeps coming back because he needs an inspiring place to be creative (and take lots of Zoom calls).

These are just some of the reasons our members stick around.

But we want to let you in on a secret: We want you here. 

The more members we have, the more fun we have. The more fun we have, the more knowledge we share. The more knowledge we share, the more companies we start. The more companies we start, the more we grow the local economy.

Maybe it’s time for you to join us.

“When I want to be more productive, I’ll go to Groover Labs.”

“When I want to get out of the house, I’ll go to Groover Labs.”

“When I want to build my network, I’ll go to Groover Labs.”

“When I want to learn something new, I’ll go to Groover Labs.”

We’ll see you in January.